History Society

There are two active History societies: the History Society and the John Churchill Society.

There are two active History societies: the History Society and the John Churchill Society.

°Õ³ó±ðÌýHistory Society meets every Monday throughout the Autumn and Spring Terms. It welcomes renowned scholars from the historical world. Recent speakers have included Dr David Smith on Charles I, Dr Greg Sullivan from Tate Britain on the importance of art to an understanding of the past on how a knowledge of history permeates politics and Professor Ronald Hutton spoke on his life as a Historian. The Society is organised by boys. They are responsible for identifying and inviting speakers and hosting our guests during their visit.

°Õ³ó±ðÌýJohn Churchill Society meets on several occasions each term. It provides a forum for boys in the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Forms to discuss History. The Society is addressed by staff and pupils.